The Death of Sheffield's Best Known Tramp - December 1976
I came across this article in The Guardian dated 5th January 1977 which is a report on the forthcoming funeral of "the best known tramp in Sheffield" - Cyril Griffin
The only other reference that I could find for Cyril was a thread on the Sheffield Forum where one contributor shared his memories of Cyril
"His name was Cyril Griffin, and he had indeed been an electrician at Firth Brown's - he used to work with my father there. It was in December 1976 that he was found dead, apparently from exposure, in the B.H.S. doorway in Haymarket - he was 52. A report in "The Star" at that time stated that his mind had been affected after his parents died, and that was when he began to live on the streets. Poor Cyril - he was harmless and deserved better in life"
Cyril was buried in Sheffield's City Road Cemetery. He shares his last resting place with 12 other adults and children
GRIFFIN, Cyril (Electrician, age 52).
Died at British Home Stores Haymarket; Buried on January 6, 1977 in Consecrated ground; Grave Number 7031, Section V2 of City Road Cemetery, Sheffield. Parent or Next of Kin if Available: ~. Remarks: ~.Plot Owner: ~ ~ of ~. Page No 230
BMD References
Births Sep 1924 quarter Griffin Cyril Mothers Maiden Name Howe Sheffield Volume 9c Page 839
Deaths Dec 1976 quarter - GRIFFIN CYRIL Born 19JE1924 SHEFFIELD Volume 3 Page 2047
Marriages Jun 1915
quarter Griffin Fred m Sarah F Howe Sheffield Volume 9c Page 1290
Deaths Mar 1961 quarter Griffin Fred Age 68 Sheffield Volume 2d Page 232
Deaths Jun 1965 quarter Griffin Sarah F Age 74 Sheffield Volume 2d Page 102
These BMD references tend to support the view that Cyril's parents died within four years of each other and after the death of his mother Sarah he began living his life on the streets of Sheffield city centre.
The Manchester Guardian dated 5th January 1977
Free BMD
Sheffield Indexers
This page was last updated on 11/06/19 13:56